Net Zero Emissions

In 2018, the UN issued a warning that we have 11 years left to cut GHG emissions by 50 percent or suffer disastrous consequences, which, to those who can read between the lines, could well mean the end of civilization as we know it. This was also vocalized and felt by well-respected spokesperson for the future generations Greta Thunberg in her speech Cathedral Thinking.

Consequently, in 2018, a group formed that is now interational and well-known called Extinction Rebellion. Their sole purpose was to address this threat to our planet, which could well mean the extinction of the human race. One of their demands, which seems quite reasonable and necessary given that the threat to the human race with no recourse or turning back could really materialize as early as 2029 (11 years after the UN warning of 2018), was phrased as “Net-Zero Emissions by 2025” (this is demand #2 from the list of 3-4 demands of every Extinction Rebellion group and faction).

Extinction Rebellion so far has been largely unsuccessful in pushing this agenda due to the complete refusal of the global elites to recognize either the reality of the threat from the United Nation and thousands of scientists worldwide (except in token Climate Emergency resolutions and declarations, which we have now finally come to realize and understand were largely meant only on paper and not in practice, since our global elites have little regard for the meaning and value of mere words), but also their lack of imagination to imagine how to manuever out of the current economical system and way of doing things into the way that is needed to ensure the necessary 50% reduction in GHG emissions by 2025, which no doubt requires radical and widespread transformations of every aspect of human existence (to trust and better educate the masses with the real truth and to consequently be less wasteful of resources and to become more cognizant and aware and respectful of all fellow creatures and supporting ecosystems).

Instead, the global elites have apparently been encouraging major corporations to take up the phrase of “Net-Zero Emissions”, but they have been doing it all wrong (as clearly documented in this PDF link) and it seems they have been man-handling this phrase and using it to mean something completely different which to them means “business as usual” in every sense of the word and only mild, gradual actions to adddress the climate and ecological emergencies, using a manipulative, deceptive pratice called “greenwashing”, which means, they are using the end goals of the environmental movement but deliberately or unknowingly refusing to understand the really needed path to this goal and instead inserting their own path and timeline which is completelely vague and insufficient and certainly does not end at the same result.

Going forward, many of us are coming to recognize that it may be completely impossible to solve the very urgent problem of ecocide (sometimes referred in a narrower sense as “the climate emergency”, but which every really experienced environmentalist knows is bigger than just a climate issue) in our time under the current economical system and so many groups are starting to understand the importance of Non-Market Mechanisms (article 6.8 of the Paris Climate Treaty) as the only way and path to truly address the problems of the climate emergency , which, if unaddressed, will lead to certain cataclysmic results as expressed in the UN warning from 2018 and, from thousands of scientists worldwide .

This is because no matter how many capitalists succeed in transforming their consciousness to realize that it is unacceptable to game the environment and inflict heavy losses on the environment and our future generations' chances at the expense of short-term gain, there seems to be no shortage of bright-eyed, bushy-tailed entrepeneurs from the marketing schools and colleges of our current money-based economic system who will not hesitate to throw Mother Earth under the bus for a quick turn on investment and a quick dollar, as every capitalist and politician is eager to point out, to legitimize their own criminal part in this evil deed of destroying our planet and our future. This is of course wrong for every bad actor in this, and we can guess they will ultimately be punished when they finally arrive at the gates of true justice.

In fact, in retrospect, we were amply warned about this in 2015 by Naomi Klein in her book This Changes Everything: Capitalism versus the Climate, but our whole mechanism of action became paralyzed by the whole Donald Trump regime and vehicle, which fairly effectively obliterated all hope of protecting the environment by the governmental agencies with about 100 or more rollbacks on environmental protections and safeguards that were critical in preventing rapid devastation to us and our ecosystems.

Joe Biden's weak and feeble attempts to correct some of this have been just weak and feeble, which is quite predictable and not suprising due to the quite ordinary strategy of the Democrats to constantly compromise and cajole with all of the special interests and only allow watered-down, or piecemeal changes to pass into law and never really embark on strong-willed or broad, all-ecompassing policies in the manner of such more strong-willed, selfish and greedy (strong-willed for the wrong reasons) folks like the much accomplished giant in real estate Donald Trump, who acted as if he was blind or just plain ignorant or just plain evil and uncaring about the plight and future of our children when it came to issues of the environment and our supporting ecosystems.

So now we are left in a position where our only hope seems to be widespread non-cooperation with the system and its death machine, without becoming so stupid to be pushed into the category of outright criminals, which are quite severely punished these days, even in the United States.

Anyone with a great idea about how to wake up the global elites to the clear and present danger to themselves and us as well, I would love to hear about it. For now, we are left to the mercy of the global elites and our higher powers, who I believe are hard at work in transforming the cold landscapes of people's hearts from hate to love, which agreeably is very difficult and time-consuming and very elaborate work which cannot be faked and cannot be substituted with substitutes to true healing.

One thing for sure is that there is no way a nation of slaves can survive for long. The global elites are going to have to unchain and unleash the think tanks of the working class (which won't happen without deep reconcilliations to people of all classes and races including the Indigenous people who originally lived on this land) or we are all going down to death and destruction including the global elites themselves, who cannot eat money, and so we may soon see the armageddon predicted in the Book of Revelations, or the re-awakening of brotherhood, sisterhood, and reconcilliation that the wholesome people have been praying and dreaming for for ages.

Last update: 6/17/2021