Environment Matters Money Issues

Instead of viewing the problem as, how are we going to pay for the infrastructure changes we need for example to transition away from fossil fuels and nuclear power and towards advanced batteries, solar power, and wind power, we could alternately view the problem in a completely different way which is how are we going to feed and house and take care of the people and at the same time get people to work on ecologically friendly projects instead of what they were doing previously. Framed like that, the problem is entirely a logistical problem and a problem of will power. The logistical problem of feeding, clothing, and housing all the people can easily be seen to be solved with the help of computer technology and a large group of people tasked with keeping everything running smoothly and supplied. The problem of will power I maintain can be solved by telling all of the people the truth about the real problems of our current, unsustainable system and how in the future the government promises to take care of people better with a new system that guarantees that nobody is getting ignored.

As this gets underway, we will also have to tackle the problems of birth control and may have to artificially limit future family sizes the way the Chinese have done in the past in order to ensure that we don't end up with more people than we can take care of. We will also have to negate the influence of money and the rich 1% of people who may not willingly let go of their money and property in order to help the rest of the people. For that, we will either need very loving counselors to explain to them that it is time to share all the resources or we will need to make use of actual military or police force. For that to work, the military and police organizations will have to recognize that the good of the all is more important than the good of a small privileged few. The police and military may have to take matters into their own hands to secure the necessary transition from a money-locked world to a cooperative world.

In a trending news article yesterday I saw on a cell phone called “Climate Change tipping points are upon us, draft UN report warns: ‘The worst is yet to come’” by David Knowles on June 23, 2021 at 1:58 PM on Yahoo News, it says, quoting a UN draft report: “Life on Earth can recover from a drastic climate shift by evolving into new species and creating new ecosystems. Humans cannot.” This is all based on a money-locked system but does not account for all of the adaptability and creative imagination of the entire human race and unfettered human beings as described in the previous two paragraphs based on a complete overhaul on the way we are doing things and getting rid of money systems altogether.

This article echoes what the mass media keeps pounding into the heads of the accepting public “current levels of adaptation will be inadequate for handling future climate risks.” Well then we obviously need to change our adaptation patterns such as refusing to accept the laws of money and the narrow minds of the money people.

News articles for at least the past 3 years have been like a broken record, just repeating that we are out of alternatives and for some reason just completely doomed. This is the most fatalistic garbage I have ever seen and is tantamount to just completely giving up. The only way is that we must completely reject the laws of money that bind our hands and feet obeying orders from a ruling class that has already completely abandoned all hope, lacking in many critical attributes to use our resources properly.

This page last updated on 11/11/2021