First 100 Hours Right Action

  • 1. No more gasoline powered cars or trucks allowed to come out of Detroit and all other US car production lines, effective starting tomorrow (in other words immediately). There are plenty of gas-powered cars sitting idle on numerous car dealership lots throughout the United States that can be sold for those people who really think they want or need a gasoline powered car.

    The only car or truck that will be allowed to be produced from a US car manufacturer will be an electric vehicle going forward. This is not something to start in 2035; this must be done immediately. We cannot put this off any longer (see below and think carefully if you disagree).

    Please review the emergency state of the climate and the environment at this Climate Change page from this web-site, if you haven't already, and also read these important Greta Thunberg speeches, from the perspective of the younger generation, if you haven't already; Our House is On Fire, You're Acting Like Spoiled, Irresponsible Children, and Almost Everything is Black and White.

    In order to truly have a hope to implement this change on a global scale, we need to act immediately on a local scale and do not hesitate or delay any longer on what needs to be done.

    In 1942, the USA went from producing 100% cars to 100% tanks within 3 years. This proves that it would take no more than 3 years, if mandated by executive decision by the president of the USA, to transition from 100% free form cars to 100% electric vehicles. The necessity to prevent further catastrophic damage from global warming means this effort should be carried out immediately, in order to meet the goal of reducing GHG emissions by 50% by 2025, to give the world a chance to meet its goal of reducing GHG emissions by 50% by 2029, to prevent catastrophic consequences, as warned by the UN in 2018. After the USA meets its goal in 2025, it can turn and help other less able countries meet their goals by 2029.

  • 2. Immediate ban on all Fracking (Hydraulic Fracturing) operations. This includes the US and Canada. It includes the Fracking fields in Texas, North Dakota, and Alberta, Canada. All of these operations must be stopped immediately, such as tomorrow. For some general information on Fracking that I know about, and why it is so harmful, please see this page on Fracking from this web-site if you haven't already. Some important concerns are: (1) it is extremely wasteful of water and often leaves large ponds of polluted water in a world where clean water is becoming an increasingly rare and valuable resource, (2) the holding tanks leak Methane which contributes greatly to the problem of global warming, (3) the process destabilizes the Earth and leads to increased Earthquakes that the industry refuses to acknowledge but may certainly create a huge problem that will be far greater than any benefit gained from this enterprise, (4) the effort is more costly than the industry likes to portray and is not really a money maker, (5) it leaves huge tracts of devastated land that becomes barren and devoid of life.

    Another group of wise, knowledgeable people who have been advocating for this immediate ban of Fracking are the Indigenous Environmental Network, and you can read about their vital, important Earth-saving plan on the Regenerative Economy page.

    Other groups that have been advocating for a ban of Fracking include Food and Water Watch, which is a well-respected watchdog group nationally.

  • 3. Immediate grounding of all airplanes except in cases of military self-defense.

    Airplanes consume far too much gasoline and need to be stopped for the same reasons that gasoline powered cars and trucks need to be stopped.

    Perhaps during the first 3 months after this measure is adopted, there can be a few exceptions granted on certain life-critical or extremely, extremely important (for the people) cases as determined and authorized by a responsible and people-authorized agency of the government to review each proposed case.

    Gasoline powered airplanes are not a responsible form of travel in light of the problem of global warming, which in recent years has become quite severe. Americans and global citizens in general need to start to become accustomed to a more moderate, thoughtful, and slower pace of doing things and in general slow down and think more about what they are doing and not try to get things done at such a break-neck pace. Also, with breakthroughs in telecommunications such as Zoom and conference calling, air travel is no longer such a necessity.

  • 4. Every restaurant must immediately close its doors and not re-open until it can prove that it has at least 5 fully vegan meals on its menu. These meals must be full meals, not side dishes, and able to serve as a complete and healthy full meal for an average human adult.

    The reasons behind this are mainly again the problem of global warming. Especially in urban areas, people do not have the luxury of sourcing their meat from local farms that produce meat responsibly.

    Another reason for doing this is the grave problem of animal torture. Around 70 billion cows, pigs, and chickens are slaughtered every year for the food animal industry in recent years. Their lives are probably full of pain and suffering and they cannot defend themselves. This is a huge amount of suffering. I don't think it is right because there are only one tenth as many human beings who are profiting from this. In the book of Genesis in the Bible it has been said that God appointed mankind to be the custodian or caretaker of the Earth. This is not good stewardship, in my opinion, to the animals of the Earth. Human beings are also animals and are not that much different from these other animals, from what I can tell, other than some extra abilities such as of speech and opposable thumbs. Items #8 - #11 below deal specifically with the issue of animal torture.

    Recent problems such as the clear-cutting of the Amazon Rain Forest to make room for grazing land for cattle exposes this severe problem of a meat industry that has gone wildly out of control. The richness and biodiversity of the Amazon Rain Forest is something that will probably never be able to be replaced.

    Also, the Amazon Rain Forest has been described as the lungs of our planet because the rich vegetable life there creates much of the oxygen that we take for granted and traps much carbon in the ground as well.

    Under no circumstances should we be cutting down old-growth forests to make room for grazing land for food animals. With numbers exceeding 70 billion animals killed each year in the meat industry, with many animals subject to possibly quite torturous conditions, this problem has become quite severe and endangers our entire planet and our species as a whole.

  • 5. Immediately stop building out new fossil fuel infrastructure. In the United States, that means immediately stop building, among other pipelines, Line 3, Line 5, and KXL. Also, in the United States, it means not to continue to try to double the flow of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

    In Canada, it means to stop building the Trans-Mountain Pipeline and also to stop using the Gas Link pipeline through the Wet'su'weten territory. Also, in line with #2 above, if all the Fracking fields are shut down, these pipelines will be unnecessary anyway.

    Natural gas heating and cooking can be replaced by electric heating and cooking in a most straightforward manner. Also, it has been shown by the Rocky Mountain Institute in numerous studies that on new installations, electric heating and cooking costs less than gas heating and cooking would have cost over the life of those appliances.

    Instead of building more fossil fuel infrastructure, we need to instead focus on building more wind turbines and building up our wind energy infrastructure. These wind turbines can also be designed to stop turning when motion sensors detect birds nearby, they can be designed to be fairly quiet, and the rare earth metals that are used inside of them (as well as inside of all motor/generators) can be re-used.

  • 6. The government needs to temporarily seize buildings that are not being used for anything and repurpose them to give habitations for homeless people.

    What many people do not realize is that being extremely tired and without shelter and with no comfortable, safe place can become a form of torture. Under no circumstances should any creature, no matter what bad decisions they have made, be subject to torture.

    The prevention of torture is protected by International Law and I believe is one of the laws honored and protected by the United Nations (UN).

  • 7. All human being entities must refrain from voluntarily using mind control or imposing involuntary telepathic or mood control communication on other human beings or animals without explicit, public, fully available and in the open authorization from the benign supreme being of the universe in the name of Love, or by those that she has appointed or designated with this power, and only under strict restrictions and regulations to prevent excessively deceptive or torturous practices or practices of direct oppression and manipulation.

    Forms of involuntary mind control and mood control can lead to forms of extreme torture, brain death, or even physical death in human beings. This sort of evil must be banned and outlawed and should be protected against by the UN under its laws against torture.

    Using mind control as a form of genocide should be considered an open act of war if continues after it has been properly exposed.

    When all forms of media, propaganda, and publicly and commonly available cultural materials are carefully orchestrated and manipulated in the handfuls of a very small group of people, this also borders on a form of mind control, and the power over the media, propaganda, and publicly and commonly available cultural materials need to be removed from all of those hands, especially when these materials are used with the direct intention of manipulation or guiding the actions of the people on a very narrow, passive, powerless focus, or in a genocidal capacity.

    Also, commercial establishments should endeavor not to simply play non-stop music throughout their property as that will lead to a devaluation of this music as that is not an appropriate place for this music. If music must be played, it should be the result of conscious selection by employees of music they genuinely want to listen to at that time. If those employees choose to listen to a particular radio station, that should be allowed with a time limit of one hour or less.

  • 8. Immediate ban on all Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO's). Any animal in such an operation to be moved to a more humane setting effective immediately.

  • 9. Immediate ban on the housing of any animal in a confined space where they literally are packed in and forced to climb all over each other with nowhere else to go. Any animal in such an operation to be moved to a more humane setting effective immediately.

  • 10. Immediate ban on keeping animals in a confined space where they literally cannot turn around or move around freely. Any animal in such an operation to be moved to a more humane setting effective immediately.

  • 11. Immediate ban on placing feeding tubes into animals except in cases where they had become extremely ill, and in those cases, certainly the feeding tube must be only used until they are back to normal health. Under no circumstances should an animal have to have a feeding tube for more than 12 hours. Any animal in such an operation to be moved to a more humane setting effective immediately.

  • 12. Immediate ban on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) and on experiments in genetic engineering. Going forward, only natural seeds shall be planted.

  • All of these actions need to be implemented immediately.

    This page last updated on 8/3/2021